
‘Poms’ is too embarrassed of itself to be empowering — a review

There's something irreconcilable about "Poms", a movie about women in a retirement community who start a cheerleading club. The film wants us to laugh at the idea of older women trying to be cheerleaders, but also be inspired and empowered by their determination. There may have been a way to let it be both, but "Poms" evidently wasn't interested in digging that deep. Perhaps that's because it's too busy being embarrassed of itself, as though director Zara Hayes and screenwriter Shane Atkinson realized too late that they'd assembled a cast of rock star actresses like Diane Keaton, Pam Grier, Jacki Weaver and Rhea Perlman and forgot to write a real movie, or characters, for them. Ke...

Keep on reading: ‘Poms’ is too embarrassed of itself to be empowering — a review


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Motorcyclist dead in Lucena collision

LUCENA CITY ---- A motorcyclist running against a one-way street died after he collided with another motorcycle in Lucena City early Friday....